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Reactant CLI

We recommend that you use npx to create Reactant projects.

npx reactant-cli

Create a Reactant project

npx reactant-cli init my-app
  • Use -l <language>or --language <language> for specifying a language, support js, ts, javascript, and typescript, the default is typescript.

  • Use -t <type>or --type <type> for specifying a type app, support web, shared-tab, and shared-worker, the default is web.

shared-tab and shared-worker are shared App project templates based on reactant-share.

Generate files

Generate a service file

npx reactant-cli generate service FooBar
# or alias
npx reactant-cli g s FooBar

Generate a view file

npx reactant-cli generate view FooBarView
# or alias
npx reactant-cli g v FooBarView

  • Use -l <language>or --language <language> for specifying a language, support js, ts, javascript, and typescript, the default is typescript.
  • Use -w or --withTests for creating tests files, the default is not creating tests files.
  • Use -s <src> or --src <src> for specifying source files path in your project root path, the default is src.

It supports creating multiple files in any directory in the project using this command